We gratefully acknowledge our generous donors and sponsors for their essential support and leadership amplifying Youth Underground.
Festival Sponsors
Youth Underground Sponsors

Organization Sponsors
With 50+ combined years focused on social justice, the feminine perspective, and science in theater at Central Square Theater, Art is Our Activism. CST creates theater where points of view are heard, perspective shifts, and change can happen. The following generous donors made possible the programs and operations of Central Square Theater over the past year. For more information, or to become a Central Square Theater donor, please contact Maggie Moore Abdow at 617.576.9278 x208 or mma@centralsquaretheater.org

The Betsy Bard Youth Underground Fund
In April 2019 Central Square Theater launched the Betsy Bard Youth Underground Fund. Through the creation of this Fund we endeavor to sustain the support needed to elevate and propel Youth Underground–driven by the passion and curiosity that embodies its namesake, Betsy Bard. The following donors have generously contributed to the Fund.

About Betsy Bard
For 35 years, Betsy Bard has been entrenched in the world of curiosity. Recently retired, Betsy served as Social Worker and Manager of the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School on-site Day Care Center. To expand her passion for social justice and theater, Betsy worked with Anna Deavere Smith in 2000 as the audience coordinator at her Institute on the Arts and Civic Dialogue at Harvard University. This experience inspired her to start her own documentary theater project with youth using Deavere Smith’s methodology to investigate issues of concern. Launched at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School in 2003, The Theater Project premiered its first production based on recorded interviews investigating “the achievement gap”. Through The Theater Project, Betsy Bard directed and produced five plays with support from the City of Cambridge, Harvard University, and Cambridge Community Foundation. In 2010, Betsy joined the Youth Underground (YU) team, bringing her experience and passion for authentic investigative theater that provokes civic dialogue and action beyond the stage. YU is a socio-economically, culturally, and ethnically diverse youth Ensemble serving ages 13-25, with stipend-eligible opportunities to create theater together and in tandem with community-based organizations, and showcase their work across Greater Boston. YU is the only Greater Boston youth theater program that focuses on creating devised work that shines a light on social justice issues of concern from/for young people, and moderates companion community dialogues about each issue raised in the thematic plays. As Lead Teaching Artist and Playwright, Betsy has created eight YU investigative theater plays, including Money Matters, You Can Tell at Lunch, Crossing Borders, Six Years Online, Find Out What it Means to Me, Don’t Knock Opportunity, and Circle Up! Currently, Betsy is working on the multi-year Act Up and Vote!, a new play that shares stories from voters and activists in underrepresented communities; addresses questions about elected official representation; and examines voting access across communities. Betsy extended her leadership as an Educator, Artist, and Activist by joining the Central Square Theater Board of Directors in 2011.
Betsy Bard Youth Underground Supporters
Sallie Adams
Janet Axelrod & Tim Plenk
Jayanti Bandyopadhyay
Betsy & Joel Bard
Sally Benbasset
Durward Benham
Martin Blatt & Betty Munson
Alixe Bonardi
Linda Brion-Meisels
Edward Brody & Dena Feldstein Brody
jill burrows
Will Cabell
Catherine Carr Kelly
Thomas Cesarz
Allison Coleman
Brian Corr
Lloyd Dahmen
Subrata & Janique Das
Alice DeLana
Jon Deveaux
Meghan Dorian
Lisa Feldman
Ena Fox
Sarah Gallivan
Anthony Galluccio
Michael & Marcy Scott-Morton
Susanne Gerson
Nancy Gray
Nora Grodzins
Pam Haltom & Harry Irwin
Ella Hoffman
Kimberly Holiday & Gregory Netland
Robert Jaffe
Deborah Kalin
Jane Kamine
Edward and Marcia Katz
James A. Kaufman & Anna K. Swan
Shannon Keith
Reema Khan
Philip Khoury & Beth Raffeld
Young Kim
David Lehman
Kate McQuaid
Rakel Meir
Amy Merrill
Heidi Meyer
Jo Frances Meyer in memory of John P. Meyer
Monahon & Minasian Famlly
Kristin Mortimer
Farah Coplon-Newfield
Theresa Oei
Alberto Ovalle
Brian & Sheila Rehrig
Cilicia Rios
Laura Roberts & Ed Belove
Cynthia Rohrbeck
Helen and Eric Rosenberg
Carolyn Saxon
Elizabeth Searle Hodgkinson
Ellen M. Semonoff
Jim & Debby Stein Sharpe
Sam Shaw-Wilgoski
R. Timothy Sieber
Victoria Solomon
Michele Sprengnether
Stephen Steadman
Ronald Steese
April Stone
Juliet Stone
Amanda Strong
Cornelia Tierney
Gladys Unger
Melanie A. Wallace
Cheryl Weber